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More Family Life …

6th December

seem to be having great trouble updating this page.  It says it is running a script that makes it slow and then it freezes.  It also puts gaps in all my text!

I am opening a new tab called Even More Family Life, where all our new news will be posted.  Hopefully that will solve the problem.  Any advice on how to overcome the script running problem would also be gratefully received.  I just hope it does not happen to the other pages in the blog!



4th December 2009


When I was out and about the other day,  I came across this scene.  It is typical in Lesotho for families to rent a room in a “terrace” such as this.  They generally have few facilities and a shared long drop out front.   Perhaps it was a case of keeping up with the neighbours?  Or an NGO project to improve satellite communication in the villages?

3rd December 2009



When there is a public announcement to make in Ladybrand, a car drives round with a loud speaker on the top of it shouting out the announcement in heavily accented English.


This happened last week, and thinking it was election campaigning, I missed the fact that the water was going to be off that day.


A car is going round now shouting from its roof, and I have spent the last 45 minutes with my head out of the window telling the girls to be quiet so that I can hear what is going on.    I struggled to hear what the bloke was saying, so I filled up every available receptacle in the house with water. 


On his last passing, I finally understand what is going on – tomorrow I can take my cats and dogs for a free rabies innoculation behind the fire station between nine am and three pm. 


What am I going to do with all this water?




2nd December 2009


How cute is she!!!






















1st December


Today is officially the first day of summer, and the weather is getting hotter by the day.


The excitement of the season here is that a new mall has opened in Maseru – it has, among other things, a small Pick and Pay supermarket, some new restaurants and some baby shops.  It also is home to the first escalator in Lesotho. 


30th November


 This weekend we went for a drive in the mountains.  The lovely thing about driving in Lesotho is that you can do the same route again and again but see something different every time.  


  It is also perfectly acceptable – indeed it is normal – to drive at 20 mph.  We ambled up through Lancers Gap and along the back roads to TY.


We stopped on the way for a picnic, and to enjoy the scenery of this beautiful country.















27th November 2009



Yesterday Palesa performed in her Christmas play at school. 


She sang beautifully and remembered all the words she had to say.


Although it is only the end of November, many of the schools here have already closed for the summer holiday.  Palesa’s school finishes next Friday. 


20th November 2009


It is so cold!  I am off to bed with the electric blanket on.  Refuse to light the fire – it is the middle of November!


Off tomorrow to Morija for the leaving party for the Jens, who arrived here at the same time as I did the first time round and taught at the Prep School with me.  They are heading back to Australia in early December. 


18th November 2009


Rorisang can walk!  Today she walked across the room all by herself. 


 The beam on her face was delightful.  She has come on so much even in the month she has been my girl.  It is a joy to be a part of.







 Okay, I know she is a girl and she is wearing blue pyjamas but it was all I could get and she does not mind!








 17th November 2009


Went to the school today to see Palesa’s teacher.  Some of you who know me well may very much pity the teacher, but I have had some issues about her education that I wanted to discuss, not least the phonetical approach that is so dependent on accent.   For homework the other day, Palesa was writing that she wore a glove on her “hend” and turned the steering “wil”.  She eats “epples” and has a “sawa” throat.   The month we are in is “Novemba” and “Senta” is coming soon.  By the end of it, we were both crying.


Anyway, I am assured that Palesa is doing fine in school. 


No photos at the moment – I sent home my hard drive with my sister so that I had one less thing to worry about being stolen, and that leaves me with no pictures to post.  I will have to get going again with the camera…




12th November 2009


Things change so quickly sometimes and move so slowly at others.  Today, a third boy moved in to the unit.  We visited his family and found his mother, working in the hot sun on a land reclamation programme.  She was delighted that we are prepared to help her son, and I hope that this will be the first step towards his reintegration back home.


Rorisang took her first step today.  She was as pleased with herself as we were!




rorisang the first month 061


















1oth November 2009rorisang the first month 052


Rorisang had her first go on a swing. 


A bit nervous at first, but then loved it!










trip up the mountain 0059th November 2009


On Sunday morning, we tried out the Methodist church in Ladybrand.  Sadly, I cannot tell you how the service went as Rorisang decided that she did not want to be there and screamed and screamed!


On Sunday afternoon, my family joined our friends Sue, Justin and Hannah and we went for a walk up a small mountain.  Palesa loved it!


trip up the mountain 009


We climbed up this!  With Palesa and Rorisang!


trip up the mountain 011


Palesa needed a wee snooze!  And so did Justin, who ended up carrying Rorisang the whole way up and back down again.










7th November 2oo9nove 2009 (2)


Talking about…


Micro Enterprise


These two guys are sitting right on the edge of the road right in the city centre and are occupied in sharpening matchsticks – to sell as toothpicks?


A great idea but not one that I will patronise!  I prefer mine wrapped!



6th November 2009


Auntie Beth left yesterday. We had a lovely time with her and it was great that she could meet her new niece so quickly.


Rorisang is doing really well and night times are going better on the whole!  She was waking very snotty one night in every three, and moaning in her sleep but not every night.   I was giving her a cold medicinrorisang the first month 012e and putting on the humidifier to help with the snots, but yesterday it suddenly occured to me that she was teething!   And sure enough, eight new teeth have come through in three weeks!  


Her and Palesa chat away – Palesa in pretend Sesotho and Rorisang in baby language and it sounds very much like something from “The Gods Must Be Crazy”.





24th October 2009


What have I done!  They say raising two children is not easy, and today I discovered why.  We took a trip to Bloemfontein in South Africa for a bit of civilisation and to celebrate the arrival of the passport.


In a large department store, I approached the escalator, Palesa hopped on and disappeared into the abyss of upstairs while I stood helplessly at the bottom with Rorisang in the pram.  Shouting to Palesa not to panic, I found a shop man and, pointing to Palesa going up, up, up demanded where the lift was.  He indicated the other side of the HUGE shop.   I shouted to Palesa not to move as she rose higher and higher and stood motionless myself.  Fortunately the shop man saw what was happening and went up to rescue Palesa.  It was awful!  Shops are just not designed for us!


And neither are toilets.  Trying to find a toilet that accomodates a buggy and wee child, a five year old and a large bottomed forty something is impossible!  Eventually we found a nappy changing unit with a toilet – you just press the button and wait for the door to open.  I should have had more sense when the door did not readily open for us to go in and I had to get help, but I was desperate!
Anyway, in we went all squashed with the trolley.  Just as well we did not have a cat as there really was not room to swing it.  All was fine though, until we tried to get out.  The door simply would not open.  I did not panic – outwardly!  I tried and tried to press the button but the door did not open.  I banged on the door.  No joy.  I even phoned the emergency number on the wall, but it did not connect.  I started to panic outwardly.  Palesa started to get upset, so I banged harder on the door and harder still.  Eventually the door flew open and a teenager stood outside.  I think we fell out through the door!  The guard was challenging the teenager for pulling open the door, so I challenged the guard on the danger of his toilets!  Anyone who has ever been in my class will know what this is like, and empathise with the poor security guard!


Not a great day.  Next time, I think I will leave the children at home!






23rd October 2009


We got the passport today!  Great news.  Thanks for all your prayers.


Robyn, Palesa and Rorisang




22nd October 2009


rorisang the first month 025


It is getting hotter every day here.october 2009


My girls enjoyed a dip in the tub to cool off.


Most basotho do not seem to feel the change in temperature the same as I do.  I am sweating in my shorts and flip flops and this boy is still in his blanket!


I have applied for a passport for Rorisang so that we can go to South Africa.  I need prayer – they tell me it will be ready tomorrow!  This is Africa so that worried me…






rorisang 18th October 2009


All is going well with the new addition to our family.  I put her on my back one day with a little help from a lady here, and from that moment on she seems to have accepted me as her mother and now cries when I put her down!


It is easy to carry her on my back – she is really small and only weighs 7kg.  I am told this is tiny for a child of nineteen months, but I have absolutely no experience with babies (at least not since I au paired twenty years ago and then I did not care about the weight, sleeping and eating patterns and the likes!).    Oh how times have changed!


In order to look like a young mum, I dyed my hair with an dye meant for African hair.  The colour is fine, but unfortunately it has really affected the condition.  I now have to decide whether the extra money I will have to spend on conditioner is worth what I saved on the dye – it was only £2!  You live and learn!


Anyway, off to bed now and praying that I will get a solid night sleep. 




rorisang comes home a014 (3)15th October 2009


Rorisang is settling in really well, and her and Palesa are getting on brilliantly – she dotes on her big sister already!  She even screams every time I put her to bed, just like Palesa used to do! 


She does sleep all night onrorisang comes home a014 (6)ce she is asleep though – so far!


Rorisang is about eighteen months old but is quite behind in her milestones.








13th October 2009


Good news!  Today Rorisang Elizabeth came home.


rorisang comes home 020


    rorisang comes home 049


















 Both sister and mummy delighted!


26th August


july august 2009 001


Well, we are back and busy in Lesotho after a lovely visit back to Scotland.  It was great to see everyone, and we thank everyone for their welcome and their hospitality during our stay.


Palesa started back at school today and I finally find myself with two minutes to sit down and write a bit.  We had Iain Hutchison staying for a couple of weeks, and on Friday we welcomed the first boys into the unit.  Please see the Work of the Trust page for photos.


More soon I promise, now routines have started again!




9th July 2009


It is a LONG time since I have written here.  Moving house has taken its toll on routines, and we have been very busy getting the boys’ house ready for before my break.road to mohale july 2009 13


We have also had Karen Hutchison and her friend Carla visiting.


We are flying home tomorrow for a month, which we are both really looking forward to.  We have no food in as we have been trying to use it up, so tonight we will have to eat at the Maseru Sun, I am afraid.




25th June 2009palesa's fifth birthday 16


Palesa is now five.  She had her birthday last weekend and is very proud of her new age.


To save having a party (my friends will know how much I dislike parties!)  we went away for a birthday trip for the weekend.    




23rd June 2009


Found the jeans, so all is good in the decency department.


18th June 2009


Our new house is fine on the whole, and is warm and cosy.  Palesa LOVES community living, but I have lost my two pairs of jeans in the move and am wondering what I will wear now.


Today we are going across the border to have the june 2009 233car serviced and to buy some kitchen equipment for the boys’ house.   The good news is that now we have border passes we will not have to line up at all!  The bad news is that we are going with my friend Sue,  who does not have a border pass so we will have to wait in the car while she lines up… 




15th June 2009my new house


Today we waved goodbye to the Hutchisons as they boarded their plane Johannesburg bound, and we moved into our new home. 


I spent the evening chatting with Sue and Marjolein which was very pleasant. 


In order to get to the toilet from my bedroom, I have to go through the chapel as my front door does not open easily at all.  At the moment, there is an HIV/AIDS conference taking place in the chapel.  I think I might be annoying them already and we have only just moved in.   Palesa also caused distractions by pressing her nose to the window and waving at them. 


11hutchison's visit june 2009 271th June 2009


Today I got a 12 month multi entry visa to the Republic of South Africa.   This means that I now line up in a different queue when going to Ladybrand for coffee.





hutchison's visit june 2009 229


Stevo found the whole scenario far too much to cope with, so Palesa lulled him with a wee head massage, and he cuddled frog for a wee while.










9th June 2009june 2009


Palesa is enjoying our visitors.


june 2009








jun 2009












5th June 2009


hutchisons painting the property june 2009 07We are blessed to have the Hutchisons visiting and helping to paint the house.   Agreeably they are not the most fashion conscious couple in the world, but they sure can paint!




hutchisons painting the property june 2009 08Today we celebrated Fiona’s 18th birthday.  She says this is the best way she can think of to celebrate.  I am not sure if I believe her!






2nd June 2009


Picked up the bakkie yesterday.  It seems to go nicely and is surprisingly light to drive, although it is very long!  Plenty of room for Stephen, Ingrid and Fiona’s luggage…


We are very much looking forward to their arrival tomorrow.




30th May 2009


palesa play 6


Palesa was in the class play yesterday at school, and was cast as a little red chicken.  She even had a line to say, which she said beautifully!  I truly think she is destined for the stage!


Today we started the arduous task of moving stuff to a new place.  It is amazing how much junk can be gathered in so short  a time.  I am feeling very miserable about the whole thing and would appreciate your prayers – particularly for my attitude and for Palesa adapting to community living.  She will love it, but we will have to have lots of rules that we don’t have to have in our own house.  The only good thing is that my good friend Sue already lives at the place.  Today she helped me design where things should go and sort the curtains.




27th May 2009               PLEASE PRAY


I was told today by the head teacher that I have to move out of the house as he is appointing a teacher from Kenya.  This is gutting!  When I was thinking of moving before, the head teacher assured me that he was not going to appoint any overseas staff until at least December and probably next June!  Please pray that we find somewhere else suitable and affordable to live.  In the meantime, we will move into a room at the Brothers’, which is not ideal for Palesa but needs must. 




25th May 2009


Argh!  Palesa has just found her first wobbly tooth, but she is only four years old!  Asked Jeeves what was going on and he reassured me by telling me that some children start losing teeth when they are five or nearly five.  At least it will not cost the tooth fairy that much, as everything is cheaper here!


25th May 2009


clarens may 2009 04


This weekend, we went for a drive into South Africa to a lovely wee town called Clarens near the Golden Gate National Park.  It is a very beautiful place.


Looking across to Lesotho from South Africa

Looking across to Lesotho from South Africa










 Maseru is right on the border of South Africa, so if the queue is not too long to cross, it is easy to go over for a drive or a coffee, or simply to find some civilization.






22nd May 2009


amy leaves may 2009


22nd May 2009


Today we are going to the airport again.  One of my friends, Amy, is leaving.  One of the hard things about living here is that people are always leaving.


Tomorrow we are to cheer ourselves up by going for a drive into South Africa – we will head for Clarens and look for good photo opportunities on the way.


17th May 2009         A Saturday in Lesotho


road to mohale may 2009 17


Went for a drive to the mountains yesterday, to have a wee look at the beautiful country and to take some photographs.


It was lovely, and the folk we met so friendly.  On the whole, the basotho people love having their photo taken. road to mohale may 2009 39


These men work in a shearing shed that was just closing down for the winter.


road to mohale may 2009 83


The country side looked beautiful.  The grey skies added to the atmosphere and gave an unusual hue to the scenery.  Gorgeous!



road to mohale may 2009 63


Then the first real sign of winter came.  It reminded me very much of home.  Not being great drivers at the best of times, and with minimal experience of driving in snow, cars were skidding all over the place.  There was even a four by four went over the edge of the cliff, but the driver was OK.


It is now freezing!  The cold air comes in to Maseru from the mountains and makes it very cold!


15th May 2009               School Sports


palesa's sports may 2009 21


Palesa did really well at the sports, which were non-competitive and of the potted variety.  She enjoyed it a lot.


palesa's sports may 2009 14palesa's sports may 2009 15


palesa's sports may 2009 02


Sadly, the king and queen could not attend, but the organisers were prepared for them just in case they put in a late appearance.




14th May 2009


auntie beth leaving may 2009 03 




13th May 2009


Having a very busy time with Auntie.  Sheblack mountain may 2009 63 treated us to a weekend away in a very nice hotel in the Free State, which has an entertainment programme for children.  It was great – very relaxing and I was able to spend hours in reading books like I used to in “the olden days”!


Palesa enjoyed it too.  She got to watch four movies in two days in a cinema in which she was the only viewer!black mountain may 2009 70


Sadly, Auntie Beth leaves tomorrow.  We will miss her.  She has helped us to get going on the clearing out and freshening up of the property.


Palesa has her sports tomorrow – we are looking forward to that!




  5th May 2009


I see it is a long time since I have updated the blog.  Sorry for that.  All is going well here, and I eagerly await the arrival of my sister tomorrow.  She is coming for a week, and we are both very excited.


Today I spent some considerable time standing in a queue to use one of three ATMs in the main street.  This is not unusual in Lesotho.  People queue quite literally for hours to use the banking facilities.  However, the one difference is that not one of the three machines was actually working,  and everyone in the queue knew it.  Yes, even me.  Yet I stood there still.   I worry about this.  What is happening to me? 


It is partly for this reason that I have decided that we will be coming home in July for a month.  We look forward to catching up with you then.  And maybe relearning a bit about time management.


I am feeling under the weather with a nasty cold thing that has gone to my ears and throat again.  I seem to catch everything that is passing here, where in Scotland I rarely catch any of the bugs that go around.


Palesa is well and so far has not caught anything from me, although last night the mosquito net did fall on her head as she slept.   I heard a little voice calling out, “Mummy!  The net is on my head!”.




26th April 2009


All good here.  Spent the weekend in Bloemfontein in the Free State with some friends.  It was lovely.  We went to a rugby match (part of the Super 14s) where the Cheetahs played the Crusaders from Christchurch. 


  Troubles have calmed down, although no-one is saying what really happened.  Foreign mercenaries are being blamed for a “coup attempt” and all opposition parties are being investigated.




22nd April 2009


Found this link, for those of you who are interested.




My doors are locked tonight!


22nd April 2009


Lay in bed last night listening to the sound of gun shots not far away.  This is not overly unusual here, but there were more of them than usual and they were closer than they usually sound.  Went to sleep.


Awoke this morning to find that someone has attacked the army and the Prime Minister’s house.  The government is saying nothing so no-one knows what is going on. 


I may have to flee to Mauritius.  Or the Maldives.  Or a Greek island.  Or the Bahamas.  Or Thailand.  No, not Thailand.  Maybe Hawaii.  Or …


Any suggestions? 


20th April 2009


sorting-lost-propertyI have volunteered at Palesa’s school to run a second hand uniform shop from the lost property box.  I spent Saturday sorting through lost property, putting named clothes on one side and then deciding from the rest what was sellable and what was not.  I could not help thinking about my old job – when I used to do this for a living!




























































































































































































































































































26 Responses

  1. Hope that things quieten down soon.

  2. Robyn,

    There seems to be a definite island theme to your relocation plans…. ever considered Shetland????

    No seriously, glad all is well and you and yours are safe.

    J9 & B xxx

  3. Good luck at sports day tomorrow Palesa!

  4. Thanks for a fab week sis. I look happy in the airport picture, which is not how I was feeling at all… sigh. Missing you guys, and the fellowship. But home safe, and not long at all before I see you and Palesa again! Stay safe. X

  5. Great to read about what you’ve been up to! You’re making an amazing difference over there. Can’t wait to come and see it all (and you and Palesa!) in person!.

    Praying for you both!

    Love Sian and Palesa xxxx

  6. Hi Ropyn and Palesa
    So glad I remebered your web site. Have had huge problems with computer and lost address book. Still in Aus’, going outback with my neighbour Dianne for 3 weeks in June and then back to Inverness on 15th August.
    Any chance of you going over. You seem to be enjoying company but sorry didn’t make it this year, How Palesa is growing and looking so well. Can’t believe the snow!! Hope you get this and can reply so that we are not out of touch again.

  7. Looking forward to seeing you both when you get back in July

  8. Don’t worry – His timing and plan are perfect. Will pray for you guys. When do you have to move?
    Love, Suzie, Rory, Russ and Lucy xx

  9. Sorry for the long delay in writing! We think of you often and love the piccies on the blogsite. Thank you. Hope your new accommodation works out ok, even if you do have to go through the chapel to access other areas!
    Looking forward to seeing you both here in July.
    Keep well and safe. love from us all xxxx

  10. Happy Birthday my sweetheart Palesa! Miss you loads, and look forward to seeing you again very soon. Be a good girl now.


  12. Robyn!!!
    Finally managed to have a look at your site, it is fab.
    Getting settled back into the routine here, looks like you are doing the same. It was great to see yourself and Palesa in the ‘Schneck’ in the summer xx

  13. Love the pic of Rorisang Elisabeth joining the family!

  14. HI There Robyn and Palesa . Congratulations on the addition of Rorisang to your family!!!! How blessed you all will be. Look forward to meeting her when we come back to visit! xxxx

  15. Oh my goodness, congratulations!! She is absolutely gorgeous! I don’t know how you do it! Sending lots of love xx

  16. Congratulations!! Your new daughter is absolutely gorgeous. Look forward to meeting up in the summer all being well.

  17. Great to catch up with news on your blog. Rorisang is a beautiful child and we are once again challenged by your commitment to God and the very special work you are doing for him. God Bless.

  18. You all look absolutely gorgeous! 7 kg is tiny! That’s the sort of children I would see over here! I’m sure lots of love and good meals will do her the world of good. You all look so happy – i really am delighted for you! xx

  19. Hi! Just caught up with your news!! Congratulations!! May God bless you all richly with his enabling, bringing peace and strength and joy. with our love.

  20. Hi Robyn and girls!
    Cathy showed me your blog last night, Robyn. Both your daughters are very beautiful and isn’t Palesa getting big. I’m sure she will be a great big sis to Rorisang. Congratulations to you all!
    Rosie xx

  21. We’ve been away for a bit during the October school hoidays and came back last night, checking your newsletter. Wow! We’re amazed and in total awe of your new commitments!!! Rorisang and Palesa are beautiful and we will commit to praying for them both. You will be (and are!) a fantastic mum. God bless you and keep you all safe.

  22. Hi Robyn,
    Glad you finally have your passport in hand. When will i see Rorisang again?
    Have a wonderful weekend … at home!

  23. Robyn , Palesa and Rorisang
    Delighted to see you all together. Rorisang and Palesa look very happy and I must say so do you. God bless you in all the wonderful work you are doing.

  24. Oh, Robyn
    Rorisang is gorgeous! I am sure Palesa will be a big help to you now that she is so ‘grown up’
    Hope all is going well.

    A ‘Jhackie xx

  25. Hi Robyn
    I heard a rumour from Holly last week about your new edition to the family. Amazing!! who would have thought it. I bet if I had said to you in Central school back in the early 90’s that “in 2009 you will be in Lesotho and have 2 children!! You would have thought I has lost the plot altogether! Good on you Robyn.
    So sorry I missed you in Scotland, I think I got there 2 days after you left! I have at last applied for my permanent visa, having had my tempoary one for 18 months. I guess God has shown you he needs you in Lesotho. In the same way he has shown me I need to be here in Aus’ with my grandkids. James is now 10 and Drew 8 next week. Like Palesa, they grow up so quickly!!
    Are you missing Avoch? Did you visit when you were back?

  26. Attagirl Rorisang!!

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